Truyền Thông


A place to experience the colors of culinary delights

Project information:

  • Name:  HOLO.Restaurant
  • Architects: DBS
  • Year:  2023
  • Project: Commercial / F&B / Restaurant
  • Area:  3500m2 
  • Design & Construction Costs: For additional information, please contact DBS.

HOLO Restaurant is a vibrant place to enjoy culinary delights where diners can partake in a multi-sensory feast with an immersive experience encompassing the sense of sight, taste, touch, as well as hearing.

The mission of the HOLO Restaurant project is to redesign an age-old area to a premium space for dining. This architecture is renovated from a long-gone, four-story structure placed in a crowded urban area, so we want to make the most of the current status of this building to prevent waste, and then, add unique colors to bring a contemporary vibe to this space.

The facade of the building is designed in the signature colors as the key visual of the brand name, to make it easy for patrons to recognize and be attracted.

Passing through the common lobby are passageways that lead to the restaurant space on the second floor, which stimulates curiosity and provides a little moment of silence to enjoy the surprises awaiting.

The restaurant’s lobby welcomes guests with a sense of mystery and luxury, punctuated by a high-contrast appearance with striking lighting effects on a dim dark background.

The shadowy region and major black background highlight the culinary artwork and make the chefs’ precisely and colorfully crafted dishes produced from incredibly various ingredients significantly more appealing.

The bar area, which stands out against the dark and mysterious black atmosphere, is the key focal point for the entirety of space.

In Eastern culture, darkness is always an essential element that helps create silence for the senses to rest, allowing one to fully concentrate on savoring and experiencing the key highlights in space and time.

DBS creates a space that feels like a harmony of darkness and light, with a serene black background and unique contrasting lights that generate an impression, by incorporating a traditional insight about darkness into the contemporary aesthetic architectural language.

Above all, DBS creates with the idea that space should merely serve as a background, honoring culinary delights while additionally emphasizing significant multi-sensory experiences for guests.

The HOLO Restaurant design uses various types of limited edition and be-spoke-designed items to create a unique accent for the brand chain, which is exclusively provided by DBS.

Hidden HOLO.Bar

A hidden space concealing alluring vibrant colors

Project information:

  • Name:  Hidden Holo.Bar
  • Architects: DBS
  • Year:  2023
  • Project: Commercial / F&B / Bar
  • Area:   2000m2 
  • Design & Construction Costs: For additional information, please contact DBS.

In a boring area, hidden among old-styled rental buildings, the multicolored pavilion catches attention and excites the curiosity of everyone. That colorful block is the entrance to an enigma bespoke bar named “Hidden Holo Bar”. The distinctive characteristic of this hidden bar’s design is its impressively unique shades of striking color. “Hidden Holo Bar” is an ideal drink-enjoying space for those interested in discreteness, luxury, and mystery.


The Hidden Holo Bar’s entrance is designed like a pavilion erected beside the former apartment building. This entryway offers an eye-catching focal point attracting curiosity with its distinctive holographic vibrant colors and lighting as Hidden Holo Bar’s signature, to welcome the guests to step into an unpredictable and interesting experience journey forward. 

After passing through the lobby and entering the elevator that takes one to the fourth floor of the building, one is met with a completely different space when the elevator door opens. A long hallway with captivating lighting and colors that grab your attention and lead to intriguing things beyond.

As you turn at the end of the hallway, Hidden Holo Bar’s main lobby comes into your view. The interior of the space is opulent, and luxurious, and creates a striking statement by using typical hologram material. The bar space is made more lively, novel, and attractive by changeable hologram color lighting featured on the dim dark background. 

Turn to another more discreet hallway that leads to the VIP bar area. “VIP” 1 is a bespoke bar that is created to meet the unique needs and specific tastes of the customer. The bar design is made with premium materials and meticulous attention to detail, to produce a one-of-a-kind space with customized pieces of decor. For very special guests, “VIP 1” offers a powerful impression, privacy atmosphere, and a high-end, elegant experience.

For VIP visitors, VIP HOLO Bar 2 delivers a more sumptuous option. This venue is perfect for special  meetings or events because it is spacious and private. It also has a charming as well as classy decoration.

Special hologram materials exclusively developed by DBS are used in this design to achieve the core concept and hallmarks of the Hidden HOLO. Bar. When visitors experience this space, Hidden HOLO Bar will make an unforgettable impression due to its unique features.



Contemporary Living Space

Elevating your living space with a contemporary touch

Project information:

  • Name: Contemporary Living Space
  • Architects: DBS
  • Year: 2023
  • Project: Housing 
  • Area:  200m2 
  • Design & Construction Costs: 1,4 billion VND

Contemporary Living Space is a project that aims to combine the function of a design studio with the living space of a young artist couple. Brought together the characteristics of a contemporary home, the design is bespoke and unique with a stand-out hologram effect.

This bold design expresses such a statement for its owner by using special hologram materials which exclusively developed and implemented by DBS.


The project is located in a hustle suburban area with a quite conventional vibe.
This design is a breakthrough in such commonplace, as it brings out the couple’s character through a reckless, intrepid approach as well as keeps it inviting, cozy, and inspirational for the house owner.

DBS’s design attempted to convey the personality of the two young homeowners through contemporary aesthetics and architectural language, with streamlining lines and shapes, and an ingenious blend of colors.
With minimalism, yet strong and distinguishing language, Contemporary Living Space is a hallmark – a residential space that filled with charisma for the two young artists.

Not only is the exterior of the building delicately cared for, but each of the corners of the interior space is as well, as though expressing the homeowner’s comprehensive lifestyle and personality.

The living room introduces a palette of gentle color tones, which were ideal for sparking intimate conversations and meaningful connections along with the hustle and bustle of city life.

The kitchen is such a charm with bold lines and material choices. This area is intended to hold the spirit where two young homeowners wanted to spend their night chic parties and greet their friends.

The bedroom has a modest design – a private living area intended to fully express the personal style.

The simplicity and spaciousness of the design make space for the two homeowners to experiment and be playful with their artwork.

With the Contemporary Living Space, DBS wants to express through an architectural language that can tell the stories of the owners.




De’ Colore Villa

The Space of colors

Project information:

  • Name: De’ Colore Villa
  • Architects: DBS
  • Year: 2023
  • Project: Housing 
  • Area:  200m2 
  • Design & Construction Costs: 1,6 billion VND

De’ Colore Villa is a contemporary, minimalist, stylish, and elegant villa project. The design used a distinctive color scheme with unique hologram panel material. Therefore, the villa reflects the youthful style, modern aesthetic, and the love of the art of a family consisting of a newlywed couple getting ready for the imminent birth of their twins.


The owners of the house are attracted to the delicacy and creativity of blending a variety of colors, especially between pink and blue, between cool and warm tones. Thus, the color palettes utilized in the design were experimented with numerous options and painstakingly chosen in order to give the owner a pleasant house appearance.


The living room was pleasant and elegant and was perfect for a variety of activities of their small family. Nonetheless, there were plenty of attractive highlights owing to the warm, stunning hologram color of the wall.

In this lovely and cozy kitchen, their little families would enjoy spending time preparing and enjoying meals together.

In addition, the house’s female owner had an intense passion for cooking and creating new recipes. She was a vlogger who had produced numerous videos about nutrition and cuisine on her YouTube channel. Therefore, the kitchen was made to be spacious, functionally effective, and aesthetically appealing. Not only does she record her vlogs here, but she also holds her intimate gatherings with friends here on the weekends when they explore new recipes and enjoy new experiences.

Not only is the master bedroom attractive and elegant, but it also brings family members a sense of warmth, tenderness, and intimacy.

A unique aspect within the De’ Colore Villa’s design is bringing out the homeowner’s character through using unique hologram color material developed and supplied by DBS.





Thiết kế độc quyền thể hiện màu sắc riêng 

“Thiết kế và sáng tạo là không giới hạn.”

Ở DBS, chúng tôi không muốn giới hạn sự sáng tạo của mình trong lĩnh vực nhất định mà muốn mở rộng tư duy thiết kế của mình rộng ra tất cả lĩnh vực mang lại nhiều sản phẩm ứng dụng đời sống và phục vụ tốt nhất cho các khách hàng của mình. 

Một mẫu vật liệu được tự thiết kế và cung câp độc quyền và tại DBS.

Vì thế bên cạnh những bản vẽ thiết kế kiến trúc, chúng tôi còn hướng đến sáng tạo những sản phẩm, chất liệu thiết kế độc quyền nhằm tạo điểm nhấn đặc biệt nhất cho các công trình cũng như tạo ra những chi tiết phù hợp nhất cho những ý tưởng thiết kế không gian kiến trúc.

Một quầy bar thiết kế độc quyền cho riêng dự án của DBS.

Những sản phẩm đó có thể là vật dụng nội thất, vật liệu cho các mảng tường, sàn,… vô cùng đa dạng. Chúng tôi muốn làm việc với đa dạng tỉ lệ, cũng như đa dạng các công việc khác nhau, nhằm mong muốn có thể cung cấp những không gian trải nghiệm trọn vẹn nhất cho khách hàng. Từ ngoại thất đến nội thất, từ bố trí tổng thể không gian đến từ chi tiết vật dụng nội thất, từng mảng tường, sàn,… mà hàng ngày khách hàng sẽ tiếp xúc khi ở trong không gian đó.

  Bộ sưu tập các mẫu vật liệu hologram  thiết kế độc quyền của DBS

Điểm nổi bật nhất của DBS có thể nhắc đến chính là các mẫu vật liệu được thiết kế  và làm việc trực tiếp với các đơn vị sản xuất nhằm cung cấp độc quyền cho các khách hàng của DBS. 

Các mẫu vật liệu này có thể tùy chỉnh, thiết kế riêng như in khắc logo thương hiệu, tạo hiệu ứng đặc biệt,… Điều đó mang đến tính độc bản, đặc sắc cho các công trình của khách hàng DBS. 

Bộ sưu tập các mẫu ghế thiết kế độc quyền “DBS.Seat” cho các công trình của DBS

Bộ sưu tập ghế “DBS.Seat” nằm trong “DBS.Collection” là tập hợp các mẫu ghế được thiết kế độc quyền cho các công trình của DBS. Đó có thể là mẫu ghế được thiết kế riêng mang tính đặc trưng cho không gian nhà hàng, quán bar hay một chuỗi thương hiệu… Đó cũng có thể là mẫu thiết kế được sản xuất phiên bản giới hạn dành riêng cho một công trình nhà ở đặc trưng ghi dấu ấn mạnh mẽ cá tính của gia chủ. 

Bộ sưu tập các mẫu quầy bar thiết kế độc quyền “DBS.Bar” cho các công trình của DBS

Bộ sưu tập ghế “DBS.Bar” nằm trong “DBS.Collection” là tập hợp các mẫu quầy bar được thiết kế riêng với chất liệu hologram độc quyền.

“Mong muốn lớn nhất của chúng tôi là mở rộng không gian cho những sáng tạo và mang lại những trải nghiệm trọn vẹn nhất cho khách hàng của DBS”

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