
Exclusive designer bar collection

The “DBS.BarBar” collection in “DBS.Collection” provides bar models and main furniture sets for cocktail spaces. These items are exclusively created using unique hologram materials.

“DBS.BarBar NO.1”

These designs can be created and customized with their style to give each space an individual approach and impression. This adds creativity and personal style to DBS customers’ projects.

DBS.BarBar – Collection of bar interior designs exclusively designed by DBS

“Design and creativity are unlimited.”

At DBS, we don’t want to confine our creativity to a certain field but rather expand our creative thinking to cover a variety of fields, bringing numerous inventive products to life and improving the experience of clients.

“DBS.BarBar NO.3” A bar made of DBS’s exclusive hologram material.

As a result, in addition to architectural design blueprints, we aim to develop exclusive customized items and materials that deliver the most unique centerpieces for projects as well as the most appropriate details for architectural design concepts.

“DBS.BarBar NO.10”

“DBS.BarBar NO.11”

“DBS.BarBar NO.19”

“DBS.BarBar NO.17”

“Our biggest wish is to open up the space for creativity and bring the most fulfilling experiences to DBS customers”

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